The Sentinel
Jan 9, 2024
Relieves joint pains
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger assists in reducing inflammation, potentially offering relief for arthritic symptoms. Regular consumption may contribute to alleviating pain and swelling.
Helps in fighting cold and flu symptoms
When temperatures decline, sneezing and coughing become prevalent, often due to the increased likelihood of encountering the flu and common cold during the winter months. Ginger has a longstanding history as a home remedy for these ailments. Incorporating fresh ginger juice or grated ginger into various dishes and beverages can be beneficial in managing colds and the flu.
Aids in digestion
Ginger contains gingerol, a naturally occurring substance that is often utilized to improve overall digestion by many people.
Relieves congestion
Congestion is an issue for many individuals in the winter. Both inflammation and congestion can be relieved with ginger. Add a few drops of ginger juice to half a tablespoon of honey and take this potion before bed if you have a cold or cough. You will feel better in just one day thanks to it
Helps in lowering cholesterol
Your "bad" or LDL cholesterol levels may be controlled with a daily intake of ginger.